Stop Cluster Flies

Pest Control Products to Get Rid of Cluster Flies

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Stop Cluster Flies offers a one stop online shop for all your Cluster Fly Pest Control Product needs to kill and stop an infestation of cluster flies in the home or business.

Cluster flies are part of the Blow Fly family, but unlike other blow flies, such as blue bottles, cluster flies do not lay their eggs in human food and so they are not a health hazard. Cluster flies do not reproduce indoors, they are parasitic to earthworms and the females lay their eggs outdoors near earthworm burrows and then the cluster fly larvae infest the worms.

Once adult the cluster flies emerge in late summer or early autumn and then the problems begin for property owners. Cluster flies normally appear in large numbers and are attracted to gable ends of properties or to high level light coloured exterior walls of buildings. Their aim is to over winter and they easily find their way into attic, loft or roof void spaces via cracks, crevices and minute holes in a property's structure.

Cluster flies are also known as 'attic or loft flies'. The anomaly is that cluster flies may try to get into one house but may stay clear of a neighbours house, even if it is a pair of semi detached properties!!!

Cluster flies then re - emerge around late winter / spring time when they can become a problem once again, but as we are now experiencing milder winters, cluster flies are becoming a winter long pest.

How to Get Rid of Cluster Flies?

  • Cluster Fly Treatment Kits - Kit 1 contains a selection of products to kill and control cluster flies including a residual insecticide spray, an insecticidal powder and smoke bombs. Kit 2 contains 4 x smoke bombs and an automatic insecticide dispenser which gives out bursts of cluster fly insecticide at regulated intervals over a 3 x month period
  • Cluster Fly Power Foggers and Smoke Bombs - which are invaluable in treating a cluster fly problem. The smoke from these fumigation generators infiltrates all the nooks and crannies where cluster flies like to hide away to over winter
  • Cluster Fly Killer Sprays - which are either insecticidal, residual or organic
  • Cluster Fly Killing Powders - which are either insecticidal or organic
  • Cluster Buster Fly Trap - which contains no chemicals and will last for up to 2 x years collecting up to 1000 flies
  • Electric Cluster Fly Killers - for long term control of cluster flies

Need Help or Advice on which Products to Buy?

Just drop us an email to and we can assist.

Door and Window Fly Screens and Electric Fly Killers

Our full range of Fly Screens for doors and windows can be seen here

And our full range of Electric Fly Zappers and Electric Glue Board Fly Killing Machines can be seen here

About us at Stop Cluster Flies

Stop Cluster Flies is a dedicated website where you can find all the pest control products that you need to get rid of a cluster fly / attic fly / loft fly infestation.

We are a family business with 40 years experience in the pest control service industry where we regularly administered domestic and commercial treatments for cluster fly problems as well as other types of problems with flying or crawling insect pests, or problems with all types of outdoor animal or rodent pests. For all of your pest control product needs, please visit our parent website

We are BPCA [ British Pest Control Association ] trained.

Our products are professional standard cleared for DIY use and they have all been tried and tested by us before offering them for sale.

Our product categories:

  • Cluster Fly Treatment Kits
  • Cluster Fly Power Foggers
  • Cluster Fly Killer Sprays
  • Cluster Fly Killing Powders
  • Cluster Buster Fly Trap
  • Electric Cluster Fly Killers

The above categories can be seen on the left under *Cluster Fly Products* where you will find our full range of products to eradicate these nuisance pest insects.

If you need any help or advice regarding how to eliminate cluster flies, just email us and we will be happy to assist.